City of Glendale
Local Roadway Safety Plan
Project Overview
The City of Glendale is developing its first comprehensive Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) that would enable the City to identify potential traffic safety projects. The objectives are to develop a successful LRSP utilizing collision database and a traffic safety committee and create a decision-making process that relies on a partnership with stakeholders and public outreach using four “E” of traffic safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Services. The plan will use five-years of collision data starting 2014 to 2018, in adherence with the federal and state requirements. For more information on Local Road Safety Plans, please visit Caltrans and FHWA's website on LRSPs.

Interactive Map
Your input is essential for the success of this Local Roadway Safety Plan. Click the button below to view an interactive map to provide us with your concerns regarding traffic safety.
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Project Updates
Stakeholder Meeting 1: December 9th, 2021(internal stakeholders)
Stakeholder Meeting 1: February 15, 2022 (external stakeholders)
Virtual Community Meeting Presentation (Citywide): March 14, 2022
Stakeholder Meeting 2: April 5, 2022 (internal stakeholders)
Stakeholder Meeting 2: April 14, 2022 (external stakeholders)
City of Glendale Transportation and Parking Commission (TPC): April 25, 2022
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For more information or questions please contact:
City of Glendale, Public Works Department